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Efficient computation of MMLU-scores

less than 1 minute read


Relinking the blog post I wrote at Vijil where we enabled scoring against benchmarks (MMLU) by using the tinyBenchmark methodology. Combined with Vijil engine, we can much more quickly get an accurate estimate all kinds of metrics one might want to evaluate.



Your Browsing History May Cost You: A Framework for Discovering Differential Pricing in Non-Transparent Markets

Published in ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT), 2023

The prices of flights and hotels in an competitive online marketplace (Kayak) is influenced by browsing history and can be decomposed to differnetiation done by the seller as well as non-seller based differentiation.

Recommended citation: Karan, A., Balepur, N., & Sundaram, H. (2023, June). Your Browsing History May Cost You: A Framework for Discovering Differential Pricing in Non-Transparent Markets. In Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (pp. 717-735).
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CS11 C++

Computer Language Shop (CS11 C++), California Institute of Technology (Caltech), 2015

Introductory lab to C++. Graded and held office hours.


Networks: Structure & Economics, California Institute of Technology (Caltech), 2016

Networks and Economics. Ran certain projects, held office hours, and graded.


Introduction to Computer Science, Harvard University, 2018


Abstraction and Design in Computer Science, Harvard University, 2019

A second course in Computer Science focused on building a better understanding of abstraction and design. Course taught in Ocaml to emphaize the notion of abstraction and clean design. Led a recitation section, graded homework, and held office hours.


Economics and Computation, Harvard University, 2019

An introduction to EconCS including related algorithmic game theory. Held recitation sections and graded homework.


Systems Development for Computational Science, Harvard University, 2019


Graphics, Harvard University, 2020

CS361 University of Illinois

Probability and Statics for Computer Science, University of Illinois, 2020

TAing every semester from Fall 2020 - Present.